Saturday, April 6, 2013

Insanity Day 1

This work out sucks!! It is hard and I had to take a lot of rests because I was so tired. BUT it sucked in a good way! I sweated my ass off and my muscles were sore after. I liked how it was different from anything I have ever done and I really had to push myself. I took the fit test the night before and it was pretty hard as well. I am looking forward to tomorrow's workout! I will either update daily or at the end of the week, depending on how my week and attention span are going! :)

Tuesday, April 2, 2013


Things are going very well with my weight loss journey! I am weight lifting at the gym and actually loving it! I can't to be able to do more. I finally can do not only 1 full push up but 5 full push ups! Today I did 5 sets with 5 reps. I also ordered Insanity and it should be here Friday! I am so excited!!! My SIL is currently doing the program and she has really enjoyed it. She is losing weight and feeling great. I am going to try and do Insanity in the mornings and then still keep my normal gym schedule. I will post as I do the program! Stay tuned to see my get ripped! Haha!

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Bladder physical therapy

I have started bladder physical therapy. I thought my doctor was kidding when he suggested it but it is real! LOL! I have since learned that I have a pelvic floor muscle that I can control. I have been taught exercises and they are no kegal exercises. What I've learned:

Your pelvic floor is only as thick as about 5 sheets of toilet paper. Over time is wears down and gets thinner. All your important organs are supported by this wall.

Your can control your pelvic muscles and it isn't hard to do but it does take a lot of focus.

Most people think that they are using their pelvic muscles but their abs are actually helping and that is actually not good.

Not interesting to many people but it was to me. Anyone who needs to know how to control their bladder should too! ;)

3 Ingredient Banana Ice Cream

I read a couple articles about making homemade banana ice cream. It is a not bad but I still need to experiment with different ingredients!

2 bananas
1 Tablespoon peanut butter
1 Tablespoon Chocolate Syrup

Slice the bananas and freeze them for about 2-3 hours. Put all the bananas in the blender and mix. Add the other ingredients and blend. Your done! Serve immediately or put in freezer to harden the ice cream.

I am think that strawberries would be good.

Calories: 345
Carbs: 74
Fat: 8
Sugar: 54
Sodium: 78

Still Working Hard

Well we have had some serious changes in our lives recently. Cameron was in an accident at the end of January and we have decided to become a one car family. I will be going back to being a full time stay at home mom and I am super excited about that. I miss my little man, I miss the things we used to be able to do and the bonding time we had. We are saving a TON of money and with the money from the accident we were able to pay off my truck!! We are very happy with out decision even though it will require some sacrifices. We can finally start to send extra money to credit cards and have money to spend if we want something. I can breathe when it come time to pay bills and we will be able to save money as well.

I am currently in physical therapy for my bladder. I am going to do a whole post on that and explain all the things that I learned!

I have made a new friend (finally!!!) and so has Jackson! I joined the YMCA and I LOVE it. I didn't think I would but I have really enjoyed going. I drop Jackson off at school and go and work out for about an hour and half then get an hour and a half to surf the net on my iPad or sit in the hot tub. It is total momma selfish time and I LOVE it. My new friend is also a coastie wife and our boys go to the same preschool and she works out at the Y! She is teaching me some basics on strength training and I am really enjoying it. Me and one of my sister in laws are doing a challenge with our food accountability. We have decided that if we can stay on track for 3 weeks without going over our calories and track every day then we will treat ourselves to a reward day. We are thinking of going to Red Lobster!! :) The app Myfitnesspal has been a lifesaver for food tracking. The bar code scanner is awesome!

And I am now down to 182!!! Woohoo!!!!! I am so excited for spring and summer. I am now over the cold and since losing the weight I am not as hot all the time! Soon I will be starting a garden and that will be an adventure.

Until next time.... Stay happy!

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Time Get away

Time gets away from me so often. I am still working out hard. I started working part time back in September and the school system I work for has a program for employess on Tuesdays and Thursdays. It is free and awesome! It is a work out program with a circuit training design. The first two weeks were hard and my abs hated me but I am doing much better now. I am still running/jogging and trying to get my mile quicker! I am now doing an average of an 11 minute mile which is a difference of 2 minutes from when I first started! I am really excited about that!

Sadly I haven't been crafting to much although. I am the worst time manager EVER!! LOL! My next project is a quote to go over our bed. I started working on it but then got stuck with the circut and haven't tried again.

I recently joined Beachbody and got my first bag of shakeology to try. I traded some extra 31 stuff I had for the bag since it is so expensive and I am super picky. I didn't want to hate it and spend that kind of money. I did hate the first batch I made but now I add soymilk, strawberries and either yogurt or bananas to it. I want to try the peanut butter powder but I have yet to find that. I also intend to buy a fitness program but I keep going back and forth from insanity to brazilian butt lift. I need to lose inches and weight but I'm not sure which to do. I don't know if my body is ready for Insanity. I will decide eventually!

I need to do another measurement of my body soon but for now my weight is decreasing! I am now down to 189!!

That's it for today! The weather is gorgeous and me and my little man are going to be heading out to play soon!

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

New year New Start

I got very sidetracked with all the holidays that are packed into the end of the year! I haven't blogged in FOREVER! But I am back and hopefully sticking around! So some things that have happened since the end of September:

1. Jogged my first 5k and survived. It was a color me rad run and I enjoyed it so much! Super storm Sandy did come close to my house so I had to leave the girls weekend early and head home. But we did the run and had a blast doing it!

2. I joined a company in the direct sales area called Thirty One Gifts. This is my third direct sales attempt but I LOVE this one. I am currently working on building a team and advancing in the company! I had a great start and I am looking forward to this upcoming year!

3. We are retraining our labs on how to stay home alone. They are 4 and have regressed because of separation anxiety when I leave. :/ We have had 2 successful outings and come home to find no mess, I am hoping it sticks!

4. I went to work part time and temporarily. I don't enjoy it either. I miss my baby and hanging out with him. But he stays with his Great Grandparents so that is good for them and him.

5. We put our credit cards away and will not be using them AT ALL in 2013! We will be paying them down and working really hard to get out of debt!

6. My baby brother got married! It was a beautiful wedding and I am so excited for him and his new wife!

I think that is all the stuff worth mentioning! I did fall completely off Weight Watchers and I haven't jogged since I did the 5k or even attempted exercising. That is changing tomorrow. I am back on it! I bought a Kinect with my Christmas money and the game The Biggest Loser. I did the profile set up tonight and bought a scale. I am starting the program tomorrow! I will also be putting my feet back on the gravel and jogging! I will stick with it this time! I put my food journal on the fridge, so there will be no excuses! I also wrote out the menu and got all the ingredients for my meals! I am excited to get back on track! We are also budgeting hard core! As I said we locked away our credit cards and now it is time to start paying them off! I am excited about that!

Here's to a great start to a great year!