Tuesday, January 24, 2012

3rd weigh in

Had our third weigh in today and I am down 2 more pounds! Woohoo! I only need to lose 1 more pound to hit my 5% mark! I printed out a cool tracker to help me track my weight loss! I am hoping to get a binder done with my food journals, recipes and my tracker. I need it to be in one organized place. It is driving me crazy to have all these things in different places and I am a messy cook so my recipes look rough after one use. I may have a touch of compulsive behavior. Today I had to straighten up the bathrooms so I could take pictures for our property manager, this lead to dusting, sweeping and vacuuming the entire house. I did all of this before I even had my first cup of coffee. Why, you ask? Because I am freaking crazy and I could not stop until I had done it all. But walk into my house right now and all evidence of that hard work is gone. In it's place are sticky finger prints, dust and dog hair. I am not sure why I even bother. I think I will just turn the coffee and end tables into works of art by my child. The materials: whatever he had on his hands at the moment! HA!

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