Saturday, February 23, 2013

Still Working Hard

Well we have had some serious changes in our lives recently. Cameron was in an accident at the end of January and we have decided to become a one car family. I will be going back to being a full time stay at home mom and I am super excited about that. I miss my little man, I miss the things we used to be able to do and the bonding time we had. We are saving a TON of money and with the money from the accident we were able to pay off my truck!! We are very happy with out decision even though it will require some sacrifices. We can finally start to send extra money to credit cards and have money to spend if we want something. I can breathe when it come time to pay bills and we will be able to save money as well.

I am currently in physical therapy for my bladder. I am going to do a whole post on that and explain all the things that I learned!

I have made a new friend (finally!!!) and so has Jackson! I joined the YMCA and I LOVE it. I didn't think I would but I have really enjoyed going. I drop Jackson off at school and go and work out for about an hour and half then get an hour and a half to surf the net on my iPad or sit in the hot tub. It is total momma selfish time and I LOVE it. My new friend is also a coastie wife and our boys go to the same preschool and she works out at the Y! She is teaching me some basics on strength training and I am really enjoying it. Me and one of my sister in laws are doing a challenge with our food accountability. We have decided that if we can stay on track for 3 weeks without going over our calories and track every day then we will treat ourselves to a reward day. We are thinking of going to Red Lobster!! :) The app Myfitnesspal has been a lifesaver for food tracking. The bar code scanner is awesome!

And I am now down to 182!!! Woohoo!!!!! I am so excited for spring and summer. I am now over the cold and since losing the weight I am not as hot all the time! Soon I will be starting a garden and that will be an adventure.

Until next time.... Stay happy!

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